Greet van Maurik küldte nekem ezeket a fantasztikus papírokat.
Köszönöm szépen :)
Csodaszépek. :)
Már tudom, hogy mit kezdek ezekkel a szépségekkel.
Nemsokára jövök és mutatom :)
I can't wait to see what you make with these beautiful papers. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and putting my giveaway up on your wall. That is super sweet and I appreciate it! Won't be too long before I can pick a winner! ;0)
XO ~ Amy Jo (new follower) amyjrockstar at gmail dot com
tényleg szépek:)
VálaszTörlésI can't wait to see what you make with these beautiful papers. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and putting my giveaway up on your wall. That is super sweet and I appreciate it! Won't be too long before I can pick a winner! ;0)
VálaszTörlésXO ~ Amy Jo (new follower)
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com